Golden Eye Rat + source + Tutorial

Golden Eye Rat + source + Tutorial


Golden Eye Rat + source + Tutorial

The Golden Eye system administration tools is the perfect solution for remotely controlling your was programmed in C# based on the .net framework.

We provide you with many useful features to give you the best possible experience white remote controlling your machine

The Golden Eye System Administration tools is regularly maintained and updated by our team .we also offer comprehensive assistance shoud you have any questions or problems with our software[adinserter block=”1″]Features
Remote Desktop
Advanced INFO
File Manager
Remote Chat
Execute file
File Searcher
Visit Website
on Join Commands
Advanced Setting
Show Task Bar
Hide Task Bar

Task Manager
Windows Manager
Start Up manager
Update Client
Reconnect Client
Discconect Client
Infor Gathering
Client Grid
System Functions
Eject Disk Tray
Close Disk Tray
Remote CMD
Hosts Editor
UNInstall Client
Recover Password
Recover Win
Shut Down PC
Restart PC
Log off PC
Enable disable CMD
Disable UAC
Message BOX
UAC Panel
Malware Cleanr
Proactive Clieaner
Client Search
Enable Disable Monitor
Enable Disable Regedit
Enable Disable Taskmgrand much More

Download Golden Eye Rat

Golden Eye Rat

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