WARZONE RAT 1.84 Cracked

WARZONE RAT 1.84 Cracked


WARZONE RAT 1.84 Cracked

Recently added:



– Windows Defender Bypass (Warzone RAT is going to add itself to Exclusions in Windows Defender when it executes)
– Second UAC bypass

Black Worm v4.1 Expert Edition

– Automatic Download and Execute
– Persistence Feature
– Mass Execute Feature

[adinserter block=”1″]

– Smart Updater Feature
– Automatic HRDP installation & port exposure to WAN (you can connect to the HRDP without reverse proxy!)
– Offline Keylogger
– Foxmail Password Recovery
– Automatic Password Recovery
– Outlook Password Recovery
– Thunderbird Password Recovery
– Reverse Proxy
– Upload Files
– Execute Files

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