Zdoser v2.0

Zdoser v2.0


div style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter size-medium” ” src=”https://image.ibb.co/hG84Nf/Screenshot-1.png” alt=”zdoser” width=”457″ height=”369″ style=”display:none”>


Zdoser v2.0

Powerful DDoser, with its large number of attack options such as:
GET and POST requests



The ability to select the type of proxy (HTTP/S, SOCKS4, SOCKS5)

[adinserter block=”1″]
Download the file from the proxy

Top Powerfull DDOs attack tools

Smart Proxy Grabber from sites / pages
proxy checker
jabber: bilalkhanicompk@jabber.ru

Password : adrikadi

Download Link 1

Mirror Link 2

Download Link 3

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