LO$R Logger v2

Steal Steam / Minecraft / Metamask / Exodus / Roblox / NationGlory login
Steal (saved) Chrome Passwords / Cookies / History
Inject into Discord / Discord Canary / Lightcord / Ripcord / Xcord
Debug Killer (Kill task gestionary)
Bypass TokenProtector / BetterDiscord
Take a Screenshot
Grab System Information
Bypass Virus Total machines
Bypass VM machines
Hide Itself in Background
Replace the crypto address by your crypto address
Custom Installer Icon / Name / Description Customizable
Cookies Exploiter Tech (soon)
Steal all Chromium Passwords and Cookies for OperaGX/Opera/GoogleChrome/Brave/Chromium/Torch/Edge/Mozilla and others
0/64 Detect Virus Total Builder (.exe) (soon)
Grab Sensitive Files exodus login / a2f backup codes / tokens / passwords… (can be customizable)
Nitro Auto Buy
First Start Reporter
New Passwords(ready but takes 40% CPU so it isn’t added till better browser injection.
New Emails (soon)
New Login (soon)
New Credit Card
New PayPal (soon)
Anti Delete system (re install after Discord uninstall / Discord Update) [also ready but takes lots of CPU]