Verci Spy System RAT Cracked | Ransomware | NSA Exploits | UAC | Spread

Verci Spy System RAT Cracked | Ransomware | NSA Exploits | UAC | Spread


Verci Spy System RAT Cracked | Ransomware | NSA Exploits | UAC | Spread

Verci Spy Manager is A Tool
Made By Saher Blue Eagle / Cyber Splitter
People Who Are Known For making underground Malware
and BackDooring there Own Tools. Dont Run His Installer He gives since its Backdoored
His Newst RAT Im Am Looking Into It I belive Thats Backdoored As Well

[adinserter block=”1″]

This One I Provide is Clean and Cracked Best i can Get it. I am still Going To
Work On it To Make the Crack Better. This Remote Admin Tools Comes with
a Few NSA Exploits a Few Ransomware Builders and many more things. His SpyByte Pal
RAT Is Almost done as well so A Crack For that Rolling Out Soon . This RAT Also
Contains a Ring3 Rootkit / a Worm / Network Device Viewer

This Crack is not 100000% Done

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